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Find out how humans became aware of glass and what we used it for.
6000 BC
Humans became aware of glass made by molten lava cooled down to make obsidian. It is usually black in color. When shattered the obsidian, or glass, forms very sharp arrowheads, knives, spears, etc. for weapons. The obsidian was also used for trade, barter, and money.
5000 BC
Phoenician merchants and traders in Syria made transparent blowing glass. The glass was also colored using pigments, sand, and a matrix of coatings. It was a huge economic branch of popular commodities through the World.
3500 BC
There is archaeological evidence that first man-made glass was in Egypt and eastern Mesopotamia in the form of beads, ornaments, and vases. The Egyptians used artificial glass to coat or enamel stone beads.
1400 BC
Glass making technology was a guarded secret reserved for elite palace industries and powerful estates. Glass production was occurring in Western Asia, Crete and Egypt and the people who worked as glass makers were called “workers of glass”.
800-300 BC
Techniques on how to make colorless glass were discovered. Instructions on how to make and how to blow glass was found. During this time new technologies and techniques of glass production were made. Mosaic-like effect of multi-colored glass is shattered and arranged together was also popularized.
Laminated glass has made vehicle safety what it is today.
1905-1915 AD
French scientist Eduardo Benedictus invents laminated glass to make windshield’s and auto glass hard and resistant to breakage.
1919 AD
Henry Ford began using laminated glass after it was first used in gas masks during the First World War. Henry Ford realized that the use of laminated glass technology in Ford vehicles would greatly reduce glass-break injuries and incorporated this safety glass into his new car models.
1940 – 1950 AD
Laminated glass is the normal for vehicles. The automotive industry continues to improve windshields to provide greater protection and comfort. In many countries, including the US, car windshields are required by law to be made from laminated glass.
Improvements in automotive glass and technology led to many innovative windshield designs in the first half of the 20th century. Automotive glass repair, or windshield repair as it is commonly known, is one of the latest innovations in automotive history.
Quality Auto Glass, LLC. believes that nano and future decomposition technologies will replace traditional laminated auto glass. Vehicles on highways travel faster and are more prone to accidents than in the past – more congestion on the road, etc. – and we believe it is time to upgrade auto glass across the board.
The leader in the future of windshield and glass safety is Corning.
Corning automotive glass is the future of windshield auto glass. Corning places a thick plastic laminate between two plies of soda-lime glass. The soda-lime glass is Corning Gorilla Glass.
Gorilla Glass is currently only available for off-road and heavy-duty vehicles. It is used for smart phones and smaller appliances. Eventually, soda-lime glass layers will be used for all windshield auto glass manufacturing in the future.

For In-Depth Reading
Summary of Reading: Glass usage in structures has increased dramatically during the last decades due to its special properties, such as transparency, high theoretical strength, low density, durability and functionality. This paper reviews glass as a material in addition to different methods of glass manufacturing (float glass and cast glass) and how they have developed over the years.
Help End Chinese Made Windshields with Quality Glass Service, LLC.
Majority of Arizona vehicles have made in china windshields. These windshields are cheap, weak and fragile. Help us make high-quality made in America, Canada or Mexico windshields that will protect you, your family and friends while you drive.